- 10:22:31: @Teedouble1 Don't hate... Procreate! (preferably with the hottest woman you can find)
If I had an extra copy, I'd send it your way... - 13:42:52: @brianandmike #BAMcast 066 is cooked to perfection... Dig into cockpit sex, Crystal Meth, and bad fake tits: http://tr.im/DBMw
- 14:43:16: @Teedouble1 I hear you, my digital brother... I'm on #5. We have 1 xbox that is the "loaner" for when one of ours goes down in battle...
- 14:46:55: @Teedouble1 It's downright stupid that after we invest assloads of $'s into the XBOX, it RROD's so much. Hang in there...
- 16:50:42: What the hell is a mid-season finale? Do I smell a huge marketing bullshit nugget?
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