Sunday, December 27, 2009

From Twitter 12-26-2009

  • 20:00:34: The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly!
  • 20:03:49: Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 19:00 The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly! #
  • 19:03 Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 19:00 The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly! #
  • 19:03 Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, December 26, 2009

From Twitter 12-25-2009

  • 13:33:43: Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:33 Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:33 Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Monday, December 21, 2009

From Twitter 12-20-2009

  • 02:38:25: Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us...
  • 02:40:59: @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble.
  • 03:54:33: @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon...
  • 15:37:13: Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun...

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 01:38 Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us... #
  • 01:40 @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble. #
  • 02:54 @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon... #
  • 14:37 Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 01:38 Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us... #
  • 01:40 @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble. #
  • 02:54 @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon... #
  • 14:37 Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun... #
More Brian and Mike @

Sunday, December 20, 2009

From Twitter 12-19-2009

  • 19:01:23: At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain"
  • 23:00:35: At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus.

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 18:01 At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain" #
  • 22:00 At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 18:01 At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain" #
  • 22:00 At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus. #
More Brian and Mike @

Saturday, December 19, 2009

From Twitter 12-18-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 00:26 @thecore We're going to catch him at the comedy club tomorrow. I'll tell him you said hi! How about that green room... #
  • 02:05 @thecore Got an order of hush puppies at Brother Jimmy's tonight. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 00:26 @thecore We're going to catch him at the comedy club tomorrow. I'll tell him you said hi! How about that green room... #
  • 02:05 @thecore Got an order of hush puppies at Brother Jimmy's tonight. #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 18, 2009

From Twitter 12-17-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:25 Stay classy, Chattanooga... #
  • 15:17 @dcpierson @dominicdierkes and @donglover. @mikeybams & I caught #MysteryTeam last night. Now in Sword Club. Subway home was interesting... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:25 Stay classy, Chattanooga... #
  • 15:17 @dcpierson @dominicdierkes and @donglover. @mikeybams & I caught #MysteryTeam last night. Now in Sword Club. Subway home was interesting... #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From Twitter 12-16-2009

  • 19:27:55: Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun.
  • 21:06:33: At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave.

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 18:27 Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun. #
  • 20:06 At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 18:27 Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun. #
  • 20:06 At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave. #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

From Twitter 12-15-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

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Monday, December 14, 2009

From Twitter 12-13-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 02:18 Just watched the Santa invasion from SantaCon 09 ( More amazing entertainment in the big city... #
  • 02:22 Tonight we caught the movie: "Mystery Team" and met the guys. It was awesomely crazy! The trailer: A comedy must-see... #
  • 17:29 @thecore At the Wired Store... How many of these would you like? #
  • 17:31 @thecore You probably need the picture: #
  • 18:50 Playing wit h all of the toys like the #powermat at the #wiredstore. Must grab a Dyson Air Multiplier Fan... #
  • 18:57 More #wiredstore pics later tonight.... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 02:18 Just watched the Santa invasion from SantaCon 09 ( More amazing entertainment in the big city... #
  • 02:22 Tonight we caught the movie: "Mystery Team" and met the guys. It was awesomely crazy! The trailer: A comedy must-see... #
  • 17:29 @thecore At the Wired Store... How many of these would you like? #
  • 17:31 @thecore You probably need the picture: #
  • 18:50 Playing wit h all of the toys like the #powermat at the #wiredstore. Must grab a Dyson Air Multiplier Fan... #
  • 18:57 More #wiredstore pics later tonight.... #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 11, 2009

From Twitter 12-10-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:56 We'll be on with the guys at the @DFLShow tonight at 9pm. Pull up a speaker and a brew, and listen live: #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:56 We'll be on with the guys at the @DFLShow tonight at 9pm. Pull up a speaker and a brew, and listen live: #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, December 10, 2009

From Twitter 12-09-2009

  • 07:39:15: Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 06:39 Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 06:39 Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes #
More Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

From Twitter 12-07-2009

  • 05:47:43: New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon".

    You stay classy, Perkins!

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 04:47 New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon". You stay classy, Perkins! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 04:47 New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon". You stay classy, Perkins! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 4, 2009

From Twitter 12-03-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:21 Gorant Chocolate... The best thing to come out of Youngstown, OH since sadness and depression: #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:21 Gorant Chocolate... The best thing to come out of Youngstown, OH since sadness and depression: #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

From Twitter 12-01-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 05:05 @thecore So that's the magic... 2 Ambien. Hopefully Parker went out before the party began... #
  • 05:19 Because you already know how it's going to end... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 05:05 @thecore So that's the magic... 2 Ambien. Hopefully Parker went out before the party began... #
  • 05:19 Because you already know how it's going to end... #
More Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From Twitter 11-30-2009

  • 15:48:37: What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning?

    They went clubbing...
  • 16:13:36: The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl.

    One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity...

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:48 What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing... #
  • 15:13 The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl. One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:48 What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing... #
  • 15:13 The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl. One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity... #
More Brian and Mike @
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