Sunday, December 26, 2010

From Twitter 12-25-2010

  • 02:12:26: Merry Christmas from the show. We hope you wake up to filled stockings... not the ones with toys. The kind filled with passed out hookers.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

From Twitter 12-23-2010

  • 17:55:01: Jesus. Fucking. Christ. #OSU. You dopes kill me, and my school. The million$ couldn't come fast enough for you stupid punks? Pathetic!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

From Twitter 12-22-2010

  • 18:12:40: ManRule #317:
    Never trust a woman at a mall... let alone, the week before Christmas.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

From Twitter 12-19-2010

  • 15:12:19: I Can not stand dipshits that chew with their mouths open. Didn't someone somewhere tell you that you look like an animal?

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From Twitter 12-13-2010

  • 09:41:48: Too good to not pass along:

    What does Brett Favre and the Metrodome have in common?

    They both collapse under pressure!
  • 23:20:18: Please tell me that #Hoarders is completely made up. Can't wait or the episode where they bulldoze the entire shithole house under.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

From Twitter 12-11-2010

  • 08:01:43: After a discussion with Mike, we're changing the name of the show to:"Titty Titty Skate Park". The guys in the corner offices want that...

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

From Twitter 12-08-2010

  • 06:24:22: Can't stand TimeWarner's BS on screen emergency alerts. 15 in a row! Can I opt out? Don't care about abductions and tornados 5 states away.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

From Twitter 12-03-2010

  • 16:44:28: Is this a TimeWarner, SyFy, or general spelling #fail? Lock your doors. Watch for "inTURDers". They pack it in.
  • 21:41:49: @ShawnKing Who really wins at the PDX Strippie Awards? Go help a girl get through Veterinacological School or something.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

From Twitter 12-01-2010

  • 04:37:14: @therealcliffyb Hands... Nah. The real age tell on a woman is her neck. Time, nor plastic surgery can hide on those things...

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

From Twitter 11-30-2010

  • 01:55:15: RT @macho_oyster: Waiting for Dirty Jobs to do a "jizz mopper at the peepshow" episode…
  • 01:56:33: @thecore Do leather jackets ever go out of style? Maybe not in New Jersey...

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