Sunday, December 27, 2009

From Twitter 12-26-2009

  • 20:00:34: The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly!
  • 20:03:49: Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 19:00 The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly! #
  • 19:03 Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 19:00 The Sears shopping cart is NOT meant for use in the rest of the mall, hillbilly! #
  • 19:03 Also, the little Indian (dot, not feather) man who runs the hair extension kiosk... Doesn't wash his hands after he pisses. Disgusting. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, December 26, 2009

From Twitter 12-25-2009

  • 13:33:43: Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today.

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:33 Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:33 Merry Christmas, kids... and by "kids", I mean everyone... at least for today. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Monday, December 21, 2009

From Twitter 12-20-2009

  • 02:38:25: Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us...
  • 02:40:59: @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble.
  • 03:54:33: @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon...
  • 15:37:13: Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun...

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 01:38 Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us... #
  • 01:40 @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble. #
  • 02:54 @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon... #
  • 14:37 Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 01:38 Not as much snow as thought in the big city. Let's clean thus stuff up. We don't want Cleveland to laugh at us... #
  • 01:40 @thecore Bass is not awesome at 1:30am. Retaliate with many decibels of treble. #
  • 02:54 @thecore Dealing with the snow. Back home drying clothes and boots. Must move to a warmer climate soon... #
  • 14:37 Just bypassed a line of about 300 at LGA. That's what I call a "pro move". Christmas travel has begun... #
More Brian and Mike @

Sunday, December 20, 2009

From Twitter 12-19-2009

  • 19:01:23: At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain"
  • 23:00:35: At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus.

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 18:01 At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain" #
  • 22:00 At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 18:01 At Crif Dogs with @mikeybams initiating our impending heart attacks. Spicy Redneck and Chili Dog. Corn dogs after to "soak up the pain" #
  • 22:00 At the Gotham Comedy Club seeing out good friend, Eddie Brill.. No snow can stop this fun bus. #
More Brian and Mike @

Saturday, December 19, 2009

From Twitter 12-18-2009

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 00:26 @thecore We're going to catch him at the comedy club tomorrow. I'll tell him you said hi! How about that green room... #
  • 02:05 @thecore Got an order of hush puppies at Brother Jimmy's tonight. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 00:26 @thecore We're going to catch him at the comedy club tomorrow. I'll tell him you said hi! How about that green room... #
  • 02:05 @thecore Got an order of hush puppies at Brother Jimmy's tonight. #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 18, 2009

From Twitter 12-17-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:25 Stay classy, Chattanooga... #
  • 15:17 @dcpierson @dominicdierkes and @donglover. @mikeybams & I caught #MysteryTeam last night. Now in Sword Club. Subway home was interesting... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:25 Stay classy, Chattanooga... #
  • 15:17 @dcpierson @dominicdierkes and @donglover. @mikeybams & I caught #MysteryTeam last night. Now in Sword Club. Subway home was interesting... #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From Twitter 12-16-2009

  • 19:27:55: Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun.
  • 21:06:33: At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave.

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 18:27 Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun. #
  • 20:06 At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 18:27 Shake Shack for a snack, and then off to make reserations. Back to the Wired Store for a DJ competition later. No time for fun. #
  • 20:06 At #wiredstore with @mikeybams. It's going to be a struggle to leave. #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

From Twitter 12-15-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, December 14, 2009

From Twitter 12-13-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 02:18 Just watched the Santa invasion from SantaCon 09 ( More amazing entertainment in the big city... #
  • 02:22 Tonight we caught the movie: "Mystery Team" and met the guys. It was awesomely crazy! The trailer: A comedy must-see... #
  • 17:29 @thecore At the Wired Store... How many of these would you like? #
  • 17:31 @thecore You probably need the picture: #
  • 18:50 Playing wit h all of the toys like the #powermat at the #wiredstore. Must grab a Dyson Air Multiplier Fan... #
  • 18:57 More #wiredstore pics later tonight.... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 02:18 Just watched the Santa invasion from SantaCon 09 ( More amazing entertainment in the big city... #
  • 02:22 Tonight we caught the movie: "Mystery Team" and met the guys. It was awesomely crazy! The trailer: A comedy must-see... #
  • 17:29 @thecore At the Wired Store... How many of these would you like? #
  • 17:31 @thecore You probably need the picture: #
  • 18:50 Playing wit h all of the toys like the #powermat at the #wiredstore. Must grab a Dyson Air Multiplier Fan... #
  • 18:57 More #wiredstore pics later tonight.... #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 11, 2009

From Twitter 12-10-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:56 We'll be on with the guys at the @DFLShow tonight at 9pm. Pull up a speaker and a brew, and listen live: #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:56 We'll be on with the guys at the @DFLShow tonight at 9pm. Pull up a speaker and a brew, and listen live: #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, December 10, 2009

From Twitter 12-09-2009

  • 07:39:15: Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 06:39 Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 06:39 Local newscasters can eat me. "curving freeways can lead to dangerous roads." It's also a dick measuring contest with microphone flag sizes #
More Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

From Twitter 12-07-2009

  • 05:47:43: New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon".

    You stay classy, Perkins!

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 04:47 New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon". You stay classy, Perkins! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 04:47 New woman in the Tiger "Cheetah" Woods mess was a manager at Perkins. The sex was beyond hot... it was "bacon". You stay classy, Perkins! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, December 4, 2009

From Twitter 12-03-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:21 Gorant Chocolate... The best thing to come out of Youngstown, OH since sadness and depression: #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:21 Gorant Chocolate... The best thing to come out of Youngstown, OH since sadness and depression: #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

From Twitter 12-01-2009

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 05:05 @thecore So that's the magic... 2 Ambien. Hopefully Parker went out before the party began... #
  • 05:19 Because you already know how it's going to end... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 05:05 @thecore So that's the magic... 2 Ambien. Hopefully Parker went out before the party began... #
  • 05:19 Because you already know how it's going to end... #
More Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From Twitter 11-30-2009

  • 15:48:37: What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning?

    They went clubbing...
  • 16:13:36: The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl.

    One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity...

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:48 What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing... #
  • 15:13 The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl. One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:48 What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing... #
  • 15:13 The #Who to play halftime at the Super Bowl. One nipple, and it's old men for the rest of eternity... #
More Brian and Mike @

Monday, November 30, 2009

From Twitter 11-29-2009

  • 07:02:06: Tonight's SNL really shat the bed. Why didn't they put a bullet in it the first time it ran? When was the last time SNL was funny?
  • 17:39:19: The next time I drive over a hydrant and a tree, I'll remember to put off my interview with the police... twice, and keep it "private" too.

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 06:02 Tonight's SNL really shat the bed. Why didn't they put a bullet in it the first time it ran? When was the last time SNL was funny? #
  • 16:39 The next time I drive over a hydrant and a tree, I'll remember to put off my interview with the police... twice, and keep it "private" too. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 06:02 Tonight's SNL really shat the bed. Why didn't they put a bullet in it the first time it ran? When was the last time SNL was funny? #
  • 16:39 The next time I drive over a hydrant and a tree, I'll remember to put off my interview with the police... twice, and keep it "private" too. #
More Brian and Mike @

Saturday, November 28, 2009

From Twitter 11-27-2009

  • 16:57:47: Looks like Tiger Woods needs a new driver... He ended up in the sand trap.

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:57 Looks like Tiger Woods needs a new driver... He ended up in the sand trap. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:57 Looks like Tiger Woods needs a new driver... He ended up in the sand trap. #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, November 27, 2009

From Twitter 11-26-2009

  • 13:22:27: To everyone in the Macy's Parade... Everyone knows your shit isn't plugged in. Why pretend? I'm going to walk around with a microphone today
  • 13:38:09: So now Santa can't say "Merry Christmas"?

    What? Too Christian? Not PC?

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:22 To everyone in the Macy's Parade... Everyone knows your shit isn't plugged in. Why pretend? I'm going to walk around with a microphone today #
  • 12:38 So now Santa can't say "Merry Christmas"? What? Too Christian? Not PC? #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:22 To everyone in the Macy's Parade... Everyone knows your shit isn't plugged in. Why pretend? I'm going to walk around with a microphone today #
  • 12:38 So now Santa can't say "Merry Christmas"? What? Too Christian? Not PC? #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

From Twitter 11-24-2009

  • 04:38:51: @thecore It definitely is an honor to rest there after that horribly long walk across the stage :)

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 03:38 @thecore It definitely is an honor to rest there after that horribly long walk across the stage :) #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 03:38 @thecore It definitely is an honor to rest there after that horribly long walk across the stage :) #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, November 22, 2009

From Twitter 11-21-2009

  • 15:10:38: OSU / "them" game on TV.

    Everything else can wait.

    Go Buckeyes!
  • 16:27:41: Dear Michigan,
    Please don't fire Coach Rodriguez. We really like him.

    Every #OhioState fan

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:10 OSU / "them" game on TV. Everything else can wait. Go Buckeyes! #
  • 15:27 Dear Michigan, Please don't fire Coach Rodriguez. We really like him. Sincerely, Every #OhioState fan #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:10 OSU / "them" game on TV. Everything else can wait. Go Buckeyes! #
  • 15:27 Dear Michigan, Please don't fire Coach Rodriguez. We really like him. Sincerely, Every #OhioState fan #
More Brian and Mike @

Friday, November 20, 2009

From Twitter 11-19-2009

  • 21:48:22: @thecore Absolutely not... saw the 110" one at the Gizmodo Showplace a few months ago. I could go for one double that size.
  • 21:50:14: @apocaknits She looks pissed... Be careful what you drink tonight.
  • 22:26:12: It's the sexual innuendo @brianandmike #BAMcast... big #69! Another show for your equal opportunity enjoyment: Hop on...
  • 23:20:59: Catching Ohio State and UNC at MSG... Go to hell, Carolina!

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 20:48 @thecore Absolutely not... saw the 110" one at the Gizmodo Showplace a few months ago. I could go for one double that size. #
  • 20:50 @apocaknits She looks pissed... Be careful what you drink tonight. #
  • 21:26 It's the sexual innuendo @brianandmike #BAMcast... big #69! Another show for your equal opportunity enjoyment: Hop on... #
  • 22:20 Catching Ohio State and UNC at MSG... Go to hell, Carolina! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 20:48 @thecore Absolutely not... saw the 110" one at the Gizmodo Showplace a few months ago. I could go for one double that size. #
  • 20:50 @apocaknits She looks pissed... Be careful what you drink tonight. #
  • 21:26 It's the sexual innuendo @brianandmike #BAMcast... big #69! Another show for your equal opportunity enjoyment: Hop on... #
  • 22:20 Catching Ohio State and UNC at MSG... Go to hell, Carolina! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From Twitter 11-18-2009

  • 23:04:36: @ShawnKing "Oh, stewardess, I speak jive." wow, dude! Could be worse...

    "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"
  • 23:39:15: Ugly people should not be allowed to buy alcohol. You know it's going to be used to get them "in the mood" to make ugly kids...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 22:04 @ShawnKing "Oh, stewardess, I speak jive." wow, dude! Could be worse... "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?" #
  • 22:39 Ugly people should not be allowed to buy alcohol. You know it's going to be used to get them "in the mood" to make ugly kids... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 22:04 @ShawnKing "Oh, stewardess, I speak jive." wow, dude! Could be worse... "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?" #
  • 22:39 Ugly people should not be allowed to buy alcohol. You know it's going to be used to get them "in the mood" to make ugly kids... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From Twitter 11-17-2009

  • 13:36:20: Microsoft store has a "funtivity". This is creepy. Watch at 1:49 for the enthusiastic cheer: "Mythrowsawwwwt" Please stop.
  • 13:40:30: In reference to the last post; I guess you have a lot of time to dance when nobody is buying anything.
  • 13:46:10: I think they learned how to dance from when they worked at TGI Fridays... At least hire Hooters girls next time...
  • 20:04:46: Duke is up by 30 at the half. Yeah, it's early in the season, but I'm glad to have college basketball back.
  • 21:44:40: @russhall Try and view a link... Oh wait... You can't. Web browser? Nope. This is where the PS3 edges the XBox. Sad...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:36 Microsoft store has a "funtivity". This is creepy. Watch at 1:49 for the enthusiastic cheer: "Mythrowsawwwwt" Please stop. #
  • 12:40 In reference to the last post; I guess you have a lot of time to dance when nobody is buying anything. #
  • 12:46 I think they learned how to dance from when they worked at TGI Fridays... At least hire Hooters girls next time... #
  • 19:04 Duke is up by 30 at the half. Yeah, it's early in the season, but I'm glad to have college basketball back. #
  • 20:44 @russhall Try and view a link... Oh wait... You can't. Web browser? Nope. This is where the PS3 edges the XBox. Sad... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:36 Microsoft store has a "funtivity". This is creepy. Watch at 1:49 for the enthusiastic cheer: "Mythrowsawwwwt" Please stop. #
  • 12:40 In reference to the last post; I guess you have a lot of time to dance when nobody is buying anything. #
  • 12:46 I think they learned how to dance from when they worked at TGI Fridays... At least hire Hooters girls next time... #
  • 19:04 Duke is up by 30 at the half. Yeah, it's early in the season, but I'm glad to have college basketball back. #
  • 20:44 @russhall Try and view a link... Oh wait... You can't. Web browser? Nope. This is where the PS3 edges the XBox. Sad... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Twitter 11-16-2009

  • 02:22:02: Catching Storm Chasers on Discovery. I need a truck like that.. Minus the 120mph baseball sized hail and cracked windshield.
  • 06:25:34: @thecore Crashed out on the couch... Phone battery went dead. Now I'm wide awake. I can't win...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 01:22 Catching Storm Chasers on Discovery. I need a truck like that.. Minus the 120mph baseball sized hail and cracked windshield. #
  • 05:25 @thecore Crashed out on the couch... Phone battery went dead. Now I'm wide awake. I can't win... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 01:22 Catching Storm Chasers on Discovery. I need a truck like that.. Minus the 120mph baseball sized hail and cracked windshield. #
  • 05:25 @thecore Crashed out on the couch... Phone battery went dead. Now I'm wide awake. I can't win... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, November 15, 2009

From Twitter 11-14-2009

  • 13:37:21: @LaurenCaye I think Mike and I are going to start reviewing restaurants. You can add us to the list soon...
  • 13:40:36: Max the Dog's future brother/sister born yesterday. 8 weeks from now will begin the 3 months of hell and no sleep. It's all worth it...
  • 13:42:47: @thecore Holy shit! 5000! Your last post popped up on my XBOX when I was playing MW2. Too hard to write back then. I remember post 2000...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:37 @LaurenCaye I think Mike and I are going to start reviewing restaurants. You can add us to the list soon... #
  • 12:40 Max the Dog's future brother/sister born yesterday. 8 weeks from now will begin the 3 months of hell and no sleep. It's all worth it... #
  • 12:42 @thecore Holy shit! 5000! Your last post popped up on my XBOX when I was playing MW2. Too hard to write back then. I remember post 2000... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:37 @LaurenCaye I think Mike and I are going to start reviewing restaurants. You can add us to the list soon... #
  • 12:40 Max the Dog's future brother/sister born yesterday. 8 weeks from now will begin the 3 months of hell and no sleep. It's all worth it... #
  • 12:42 @thecore Holy shit! 5000! Your last post popped up on my XBOX when I was playing MW2. Too hard to write back then. I remember post 2000... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, November 14, 2009

From Twitter 11-13-2009

  • 18:01:21: Thanks to everyone that made our #MW2 show such a success. Massive numbers mean we're rewarding listeners and giving stuff away. Stay tuned!

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:01 Thanks to everyone that made our #MW2 show such a success. Massive numbers mean we're rewarding listeners and giving stuff away. Stay tuned! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 17:01 Thanks to everyone that made our #MW2 show such a success. Massive numbers mean we're rewarding listeners and giving stuff away. Stay tuned! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, November 13, 2009

From Twitter 11-12-2009

  • 01:20:27: Andre Agassi wore a huge mullet weave while he played.

    No shit.
  • 22:48:02: @GoTrevGo Happy birthday! Have that "bury a few Vegas hookers in the desert" kind of fun...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 00:20 Andre Agassi wore a huge mullet weave while he played. No shit. #
  • 21:48 @GoTrevGo Happy birthday! Have that "bury a few Vegas hookers in the desert" kind of fun... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 00:20 Andre Agassi wore a huge mullet weave while he played. No shit. #
  • 21:48 @GoTrevGo Happy birthday! Have that "bury a few Vegas hookers in the desert" kind of fun... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

From Twitter 11-10-2009

  • 00:11:10: @krashcreative Rokken...Master, bounce, and share some of the good noise with us.
  • 01:54:34: Ready to rock...

    Max is helping me install and play #MW2
  • 10:17:00: @digi_gal It's something amazing to see. 60fps makes it smooth. Already @ Level 22. I've yet to play while I wear the night vision goggles
  • 10:49:46: @Teedouble1 That's what allows you to hide in the bushes and take down an enemy. Haven't tried the night vision goggles yet. The game rocks!
  • 10:50:32: @thecore All of us took the day off to see how far we could get before our eyes exploded. I'll let you know where we stand at midnight...
  • 10:52:17: Not sure how I feel about the #MW2 map Wasteland. It's a re-skinned Brecourt from CoD2. For the $ spent, we need all new maps.

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 00:54 Ready to rock... Max is helping me install and play #MW2 #
  • 09:17 @digi_gal It's something amazing to see. 60fps makes it smooth. Already @ Level 22. I've yet to play while I wear the night vision goggles #
  • 09:49 @Teedouble1 That's what allows you to hide in the bushes and take down an enemy. Haven't tried the night vision goggles yet. The game rocks! #
  • 09:50 @thecore All of us took the day off to see how far we could get before our eyes exploded. I'll let you know where we stand at midnight... #
  • 09:52 Not sure how I feel about the #MW2 map Wasteland. It's a re-skinned Brecourt from CoD2. For the $ spent, we need all new maps. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 00:54 Ready to rock... Max is helping me install and play #MW2 #
  • 09:17 @digi_gal It's something amazing to see. 60fps makes it smooth. Already @ Level 22. I've yet to play while I wear the night vision goggles #
  • 09:49 @Teedouble1 That's what allows you to hide in the bushes and take down an enemy. Haven't tried the night vision goggles yet. The game rocks! #
  • 09:50 @thecore All of us took the day off to see how far we could get before our eyes exploded. I'll let you know where we stand at midnight... #
  • 09:52 Not sure how I feel about the #MW2 map Wasteland. It's a re-skinned Brecourt from CoD2. For the $ spent, we need all new maps. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From Twitter 11-09-2009

  • 06:16:22: We have unreleased CoD: #MW2 game info right here: Perks, PRO-perks, weapons, upgrades, etc.. We're ready... are you?
  • 06:18:02: Who else is getting #MW2 besides @mikeybams and myself at midnight? Send over your gamertag if you want to try and go up against us.
  • 07:50:02: 20 years ago today the Berlin Wall came down...

    And chips of concrete were sold for $150 apiece.

    Welcome to democracy...
  • 17:02:21: iBiquity wants me to pay $80 to listen to HD Radio on my iPhone...


    Eat me.
  • 17:11:10: @Fleshlight How could we get ahold of your marketing dept.? Please DM us for more info... Thanks!
  • 18:25:03: @thecore Huffing? Hell no... They're snorting it, and then injecting it into their brain. Free app+ugly dongle= radio fail.
  • 18:26:44: Do I stop by the #MW2 launch party, or stay close to the XBOX to play it?
  • 23:51:07: Joe Vega has his #MW2. It's tie to crack mine out and start the killing. @mikeybams and @russhall will be joining me. Who else?

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 05:16 We have unreleased CoD: #MW2 game info right here: Perks, PRO-perks, weapons, upgrades, etc.. We're ready... are you? #
  • 05:18 Who else is getting #MW2 besides @mikeybams and myself at midnight? Send over your gamertag if you want to try and go up against us. #
  • 06:50 20 years ago today the Berlin Wall came down... And chips of concrete were sold for $150 apiece. Welcome to democracy... #
  • 16:02 iBiquity wants me to pay $80 to listen to HD Radio on my iPhone... BwahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha! Eat me. #
  • 16:11 @Fleshlight How could we get ahold of your marketing dept.? Please DM us for more info... Thanks! #
  • 17:25 @thecore Huffing? Hell no... They're snorting it, and then injecting it into their brain. Free app+ugly dongle= radio fail. #
  • 17:26 Do I stop by the #MW2 launch party, or stay close to the XBOX to play it? #
  • 22:51 Joe Vega has his #MW2. It's tie to crack mine out and start the killing. @mikeybams and @russhall will be joining me. Who else? #
  • 23:11 @krashcreative Rokken...Master, bounce, and share some of the good noise with us. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 05:16 We have unreleased CoD: #MW2 game info right here: Perks, PRO-perks, weapons, upgrades, etc.. We're ready... are you? #
  • 05:18 Who else is getting #MW2 besides @mikeybams and myself at midnight? Send over your gamertag if you want to try and go up against us. #
  • 06:50 20 years ago today the Berlin Wall came down... And chips of concrete were sold for $150 apiece. Welcome to democracy... #
  • 16:02 iBiquity wants me to pay $80 to listen to HD Radio on my iPhone... BwahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha! Eat me. #
  • 16:11 @Fleshlight How could we get ahold of your marketing dept.? Please DM us for more info... Thanks! #
  • 17:25 @thecore Huffing? Hell no... They're snorting it, and then injecting it into their brain. Free app+ugly dongle= radio fail. #
  • 17:26 Do I stop by the #MW2 launch party, or stay close to the XBOX to play it? #
  • 22:51 Joe Vega has his #MW2. It's tie to crack mine out and start the killing. @mikeybams and @russhall will be joining me. Who else? #
  • 23:11 @krashcreative Rokken...Master, bounce, and share some of the good noise with us. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Monday, November 9, 2009

From Twitter 11-08-2009

  • 18:02:21: Top Gear season 14 starts a week from tonight! I can't wait to fire up the bittorrent client and grab it.

    That... is excellent television.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:02 Top Gear season 14 starts a week from tonight! I can't wait to fire up the bittorrent client and grab it. That... is excellent television. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 17:02 Top Gear season 14 starts a week from tonight! I can't wait to fire up the bittorrent client and grab it. That... is excellent television. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, November 8, 2009

From Twitter 11-07-2009

  • 00:03:14: Hanging with the show crew in the "Man-aeseum" prepping for CoD:MW2. 16 maps, tons of guns and new perks to check out. Inside info to come.
  • 00:04:50: A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is ready for you junkies. Download it and break the server again!
  • 00:08:10: Coming this weekend: special #BAMcast unleashing #MW2 secrets. We've got stuff that G4 and IGN don't have yet. Stat tuned...
  • 18:36:45: Getting ready to record the @brianandmike #MW2 #BAMcast. 16 maps, killstreaks, deathstreak rewards, the thumper, holographic sights and MORE
  • 18:48:52: If you have #MW2 questions, send them to @brianandmike. We'll try and and answer as many as possible so you'll be ready for midnight Tuesday

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:36 Getting ready to record the @brianandmike #MW2 #BAMcast. 16 maps, killstreaks, deathstreak rewards, the thumper, holographic sights and MORE #
  • 17:48 If you have #MW2 questions, send them to @brianandmike. We'll try and and answer as many as possible so you'll be ready for midnight Tuesday #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 17:36 Getting ready to record the @brianandmike #MW2 #BAMcast. 16 maps, killstreaks, deathstreak rewards, the thumper, holographic sights and MORE #
  • 17:48 If you have #MW2 questions, send them to @brianandmike. We'll try and and answer as many as possible so you'll be ready for midnight Tuesday #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 23:03 Hanging with the show crew in the "Man-aeseum" prepping for CoD:MW2. 16 maps, tons of guns and new perks to check out. Inside info to come. #
  • 23:04 A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is ready for you junkies. Download it and break the server again! #
  • 23:08 Coming this weekend: special #BAMcast unleashing #MW2 secrets. We've got stuff that G4 and IGN don't have yet. Stat tuned... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 23:03 Hanging with the show crew in the "Man-aeseum" prepping for CoD:MW2. 16 maps, tons of guns and new perks to check out. Inside info to come. #
  • 23:04 A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is ready for you junkies. Download it and break the server again! #
  • 23:08 Coming this weekend: special #BAMcast unleashing #MW2 secrets. We've got stuff that G4 and IGN don't have yet. Stat tuned... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, November 6, 2009

From Twitter 11-05-2009

  • 13:39:22: @GoWinters With that lunch... it's good thing you're in a separate room at the studio. Hope today's show is a gas...
  • 16:50:15: RT @FakeAPStylebook: "Furiously masturbating" is redundant, as all masturbation is furious.

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:39 @GoWinters With that lunch... it's good thing you're in a separate room at the studio. Hope today's show is a gas... #
  • 15:50 RT @FakeAPStylebook: "Furiously masturbating" is redundant, as all masturbation is furious. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:39 @GoWinters With that lunch... it's good thing you're in a separate room at the studio. Hope today's show is a gas... #
  • 15:50 RT @FakeAPStylebook: "Furiously masturbating" is redundant, as all masturbation is furious. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, November 5, 2009

From Twitter 11-04-2009

  • 14:59:49: 100,000 apps now available for the iPhone/iPod Touch on the iTMS.

    99,994 are worthless...

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 13:59 100,000 apps now available for the iPhone/iPod Touch on the iTMS. 99,994 are worthless... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 13:59 100,000 apps now available for the iPhone/iPod Touch on the iTMS. 99,994 are worthless... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From Twitter 11-03-2009

  • 14:02:18: What the hell is the difference between Shockwave and Flash? A better question is; do I even care?
  • 15:55:08: @digi_gal I know... You'd have to kill me. It is the whole Roger Kint / Keyser Soze thing.

    If only Flash streaming worked on the iPhone...
  • 16:44:00: @groovetools Good luck! Blow the roof off the dump.

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 13:02 What the hell is the difference between Shockwave and Flash? A better question is; do I even care? #
  • 14:55 @digi_gal I know... You'd have to kill me. It is the whole Roger Kint / Keyser Soze thing. If only Flash streaming worked on the iPhone... #
  • 15:44 @groovetools Good luck! Blow the roof off the dump. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 13:02 What the hell is the difference between Shockwave and Flash? A better question is; do I even care? #
  • 14:55 @digi_gal I know... You'd have to kill me. It is the whole Roger Kint / Keyser Soze thing. If only Flash streaming worked on the iPhone... #
  • 15:44 @groovetools Good luck! Blow the roof off the dump. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From Twitter 11-02-2009

  • 14:11:55: @MikeyBAMs Anytime... That burning smell means that it's working (or in your case, crushing other computers)
  • 19:07:20: 7 days, 6 hours until CoD:MW2. Who is joining me next Tuesday for a lot of killing? Take the day off with us and level up!
  • 19:11:11: @fourzerotwo Any time next week for an interview for an upcoming show? DM us and we'll throw some info your way...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 13:11 @MikeyBAMs Anytime... That burning smell means that it's working (or in your case, crushing other computers) #
  • 18:07 7 days, 6 hours until CoD:MW2. Who is joining me next Tuesday for a lot of killing? Take the day off with us and level up! #
  • 18:11 @fourzerotwo Any time next week for an interview for an upcoming show? DM us and we'll throw some info your way... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 13:11 @MikeyBAMs Anytime... That burning smell means that it's working (or in your case, crushing other computers) #
  • 18:07 7 days, 6 hours until CoD:MW2. Who is joining me next Tuesday for a lot of killing? Take the day off with us and level up! #
  • 18:11 @fourzerotwo Any time next week for an interview for an upcoming show? DM us and we'll throw some info your way... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Monday, November 2, 2009

From Twitter 11-01-2009

  • 13:26:55: It _should_ be time for smashmouth football. Let's send a big, hearty thank you out to farmers for making us have to wait an hour...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:26 It _should_ be time for smashmouth football. Let's send a big, hearty thank you out to farmers for making us have to wait an hour... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:26 It _should_ be time for smashmouth football. Let's send a big, hearty thank you out to farmers for making us have to wait an hour... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:26 It _should_ be time for smashmouth football. Let's send a big, hearty thank you out to farmers for making us have to wait an hour... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, October 31, 2009

From Twitter 10-30-2009

  • 10:22:31: @Teedouble1 Don't hate... Procreate! (preferably with the hottest woman you can find)

    If I had an extra copy, I'd send it your way...
  • 13:42:52: @brianandmike #BAMcast 066 is cooked to perfection... Dig into cockpit sex, Crystal Meth, and bad fake tits:
  • 14:43:16: @Teedouble1 I hear you, my digital brother... I'm on #5. We have 1 xbox that is the "loaner" for when one of ours goes down in battle...
  • 14:46:55: @Teedouble1 It's downright stupid that after we invest assloads of $'s into the XBOX, it RROD's so much. Hang in there...
  • 16:50:42: What the hell is a mid-season finale? Do I smell a huge marketing bullshit nugget?

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 09:22 @Teedouble1 Don't hate... Procreate! (preferably with the hottest woman you can find) If I had an extra copy, I'd send it your way... #
  • 12:42 @brianandmike #BAMcast 066 is cooked to perfection... Dig into cockpit sex, Crystal Meth, and bad fake tits: #
  • 13:43 @Teedouble1 I hear you, my digital brother... I'm on #5. We have 1 xbox that is the "loaner" for when one of ours goes down in battle... #
  • 13:46 @Teedouble1 It's downright stupid that after we invest assloads of $'s into the XBOX, it RROD's so much. Hang in there... #
  • 15:50 What the hell is a mid-season finale? Do I smell a huge marketing bullshit nugget? #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 10:22 @Teedouble1 Don't hate... Procreate! (preferably with the hottest woman you can find) If I had an extra copy, I'd send it your way... #
  • 13:42 @brianandmike #BAMcast 066 is cooked to perfection... Dig into cockpit sex, Crystal Meth, and bad fake tits: #
  • 14:43 @Teedouble1 I hear you, my digital brother... I'm on #5. We have 1 xbox that is the "loaner" for when one of ours goes down in battle... #
  • 14:46 @Teedouble1 It's downright stupid that after we invest assloads of $'s into the XBOX, it RROD's so much. Hang in there... #
  • 16:50 What the hell is a mid-season finale? Do I smell a huge marketing bullshit nugget? #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, October 30, 2009

From Twitter 10-29-2009

  • 16:49:20: Picked up my copy of GTA Stories of Liberty City... Thanks, R*
  • 17:40:43: @russhall They sent a copy, so I popped it in. It has a basic menu, and each story runs from the disc. Choose the story, and you're off...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:49 Picked up my copy of GTA Stories of Liberty City... Thanks, R* #
  • 16:40 @russhall They sent a copy, so I popped it in. It has a basic menu, and each story runs from the disc. Choose the story, and you're off... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 16:49 Picked up my copy of GTA Stories of Liberty City... Thanks, R* #
  • 17:40 @russhall They sent a copy, so I popped it in. It has a basic menu, and each story runs from the disc. Choose the story, and you're off... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, October 29, 2009

From Twitter 10-28-2009

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 10:25 Must have..I may have to pull the trigger on this:RT @garykoelling: Giftag pick of the day. Sega Dreamcast, NEW IN BOX! #
  • 10:28 99,997 are crap. RT @AppleMacGeek: Apple Set to Pass 100K Available iPhone Apps Milestone #
  • 19:38 RT @insanely_great: A little behind the scenes update on my new audio setup. Have fun with the new toys! #
  • 19:38 @GoTrevGo Your interview may have killed her... That. Is. Awesome. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 11:25 Must have..I may have to pull the trigger on this:RT @garykoelling: Giftag pick of the day. Sega Dreamcast, NEW IN BOX! #
  • 11:28 99,997 are crap. RT @AppleMacGeek: Apple Set to Pass 100K Available iPhone Apps Milestone #
  • 20:38 RT @insanely_great: A little behind the scenes update on my new audio setup. Have fun with the new toys! #
  • 20:38 @GoTrevGo Your interview may have killed her... That. Is. Awesome. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

From Twitter 10-27-2009

  • 13:33:08: Lit up VMWare Fusion 3 on the Mac... Running my old XP image. This thing is faaaaaaaast!

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:33 Lit up VMWare Fusion 3 on the Mac... Running my old XP image. This thing is faaaaaaaast! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 13:33 Lit up VMWare Fusion 3 on the Mac... Running my old XP image. This thing is faaaaaaaast! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From Twitter 10-26-2009

  • 16:34:39: Gearing up for the Forza 3 and DJ Hero game night at the @brianandmike compound tomorrow. Which one will go down in flames first?
  • 23:59:29: DJ Hero... hell no! It should be MashUp Hero. WTF! No @partyben original tracks to be found. Ben, I'd be pissed... Maybe they'll make PB DLC

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:34 Gearing up for the Forza 3 and DJ Hero game night at the @brianandmike compound tomorrow. Which one will go down in flames first? #
  • 22:59 DJ Hero... hell no! It should be MashUp Hero. WTF! No @partyben original tracks to be found. Ben, I'd be pissed... Maybe they'll make PB DLC #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 16:34 Gearing up for the Forza 3 and DJ Hero game night at the @brianandmike compound tomorrow. Which one will go down in flames first? #
  • 23:59 DJ Hero... hell no! It should be MashUp Hero. WTF! No @partyben original tracks to be found. Ben, I'd be pissed... Maybe they'll make PB DLC #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, October 25, 2009

From Twitter 10-24-2009

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues... More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike: Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, October 24, 2009

From Twitter 10-23-2009

  • 03:36:22: Heard through comedian Eddie Brill, that Soupy Sales is now entertainng the big audience in the sky.
  • 03:39:27: Maybe I'll start my #Windows7 install. Should be done by lunch.
  • 08:43:50: @stoop_uk Is everything good on the Win7 front? I'd like to install first, play, and then reinstall and tweak. Hopefully MS will let me.
  • 08:54:20: @GoTrevGo You can pick up mIphones and WinBook Pros while you're there from the "Genius Table". Maybe they'll play Love Shack too. Wow.
  • 10:54:48: @thecore Making Parker use Remedy is animal cruelty! I can see him giving you the finger in the picture :)
  • 12:05:13: A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is waiting to blast out of your speakers. Capt. Lou Albano, Rush, and XBOX on tonight's show.
  • 13:00:17: @thecore EXACTLY!!! At least it's not Vantive...

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 02:36 Heard through comedian Eddie Brill, that Soupy Sales is now entertainng the big audience in the sky. #
  • 02:39 Maybe I'll start my #Windows7 install. Should be done by lunch. #
  • 07:43 @stoop_uk Is everything good on the Win7 front? I'd like to install first, play, and then reinstall and tweak. Hopefully MS will let me. #
  • 07:54 @GoTrevGo You can pick up mIphones and WinBook Pros while you're there from the "Genius Table". Maybe they'll play Love Shack too. Wow. #
  • 09:54 @thecore Making Parker use Remedy is animal cruelty! I can see him giving you the finger in the picture :) #
  • 11:05 A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is waiting to blast out of your speakers. Capt. Lou Albano, Rush, and XBOX on tonight's show. #
  • 12:00 @thecore EXACTLY!!! At least it's not Vantive... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 03:36 Heard through comedian Eddie Brill, that Soupy Sales is now entertainng the big audience in the sky. #
  • 03:39 Maybe I'll start my #Windows7 install. Should be done by lunch. #
  • 08:43 @stoop_uk Is everything good on the Win7 front? I'd like to install first, play, and then reinstall and tweak. Hopefully MS will let me. #
  • 08:54 @GoTrevGo You can pick up mIphones and WinBook Pros while you're there from the "Genius Table". Maybe they'll play Love Shack too. Wow. #
  • 10:54 @thecore Making Parker use Remedy is animal cruelty! I can see him giving you the finger in the picture :) #
  • 12:05 A new @brianandmike #BAMcast is waiting to blast out of your speakers. Capt. Lou Albano, Rush, and XBOX on tonight's show. #
  • 13:00 @thecore EXACTLY!!! At least it's not Vantive... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, October 23, 2009

From Twitter 10-22-2009

  • 18:27:19: @thecore Send me a copy of the audio... I'll make the pain go away.
  • 18:33:10: Listen, or they'll touch your sister: The DFL Show
    RT @DFLShow: the show is live tonight, kickin' off at 9pm est.
  • 22:46:10: tweeting from my xbox

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:27 @thecore Send me a copy of the audio... I'll make the pain go away. #
  • 17:33 Listen, or they'll touch your sister: The DFL Show RT @DFLShow: the show is live tonight, kickin' off at 9pm est. #
  • 21:46 tweeting from my xbox #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 18:27 @thecore Send me a copy of the audio... I'll make the pain go away. #
  • 18:33 Listen, or they'll touch your sister: The DFL Show RT @DFLShow: the show is live tonight, kickin' off at 9pm est. #
  • 22:46 tweeting from my xbox #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, October 22, 2009

From Twitter 10-21-2009

  • 02:35:37: What the hell is this Ghost Lab on Discovery? It's no Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures. Plus, there's no @kriswilliams81.
  • 02:43:18: I'm a paranormal non-believer. I'm looking for someone to prove me wrong. Who's up to the task to let me join them in a hunt?
  • 03:11:37: Saw a promo picture today of Hilary Swank. Realized that she looks like a friend of mine. My friend is a dude.

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 01:35 What the hell is this Ghost Lab on Discovery? It's no Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures. Plus, there's no @kriswilliams81. #
  • 01:43 I'm a paranormal non-believer. I'm looking for someone to prove me wrong. Who's up to the task to let me join them in a hunt? #
  • 02:11 Saw a promo picture today of Hilary Swank. Realized that she looks like a friend of mine. My friend is a dude. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 02:35 What the hell is this Ghost Lab on Discovery? It's no Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures. Plus, there's no @kriswilliams81. #
  • 02:43 I'm a paranormal non-believer. I'm looking for someone to prove me wrong. Who's up to the task to let me join them in a hunt? #
  • 03:11 Saw a promo picture today of Hilary Swank. Realized that she looks like a friend of mine. My friend is a dude. #
Get more Brian and Mike @
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