Friday, June 25, 2010

From Twitter 06-24-2010

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 10:08 I'm going to be pissed if this happens: Touch the iPhone, and it dies... Wow. May have to reconsider the Blackberry. #
  • 11:44 @thecore Do you have the corner of death? #
  • 11:49 The solution for the iPhone 4 corner-of-death: @insanely_great can now call me for more than 10 seconds at a time... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 11:08 I'm going to be pissed if this happens: Touch the iPhone, and it dies... Wow. May have to reconsider the Blackberry. #
  • 12:44 @thecore Do you have the corner of death? #
  • 12:49 The solution for the iPhone 4 corner-of-death: @insanely_great can now call me for more than 10 seconds at a time... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From Twitter 06-21-2010

  • 23:15:10: I am manipulative, and mean to old people... Or, as I call it; Monday.
  • 23:17:26: @kellythreetimes Nothing is as refreshing as a new pair of socks. You can go for a week without changing if you have 7 pairs of socks...

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 22:15 I am manipulative, and mean to old people... Or, as I call it; Monday. #
  • 22:17 @kellythreetimes Nothing is as refreshing as a new pair of socks. You can go for a week without changing if you have 7 pairs of socks... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 23:15 I am manipulative, and mean to old people... Or, as I call it; Monday. #
  • 23:17 @kellythreetimes Nothing is as refreshing as a new pair of socks. You can go for a week without changing if you have 7 pairs of socks... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

From Twitter 06-15-2010

  • 15:01:24: This is EXACTLy why I hate you, AT&T.

    How could you not see this coming?

    #whyprepare #noshitsherlock

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:01 This is EXACTLy why I hate you, AT&T. How could you not see this coming? #whyprepare #noshitsherlock #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:01 This is EXACTLy why I hate you, AT&T. How could you not see this coming? #whyprepare #noshitsherlock #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, June 6, 2010

From Twitter 06-05-2010

  • 12:45:38: If you have a mole the size of a quarter... Rip every god damn, nasty black hair out of it before you leave the house. #learnpersonalhygiene

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 11:45 If you have a mole the size of a quarter... Rip every god damn, nasty black hair out of it before you leave the house. #learnpersonalhygiene #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:45 If you have a mole the size of a quarter... Rip every god damn, nasty black hair out of it before you leave the house. #learnpersonalhygiene #
Get more Brian and Mike @