Saturday, January 30, 2010

From Twitter 01-29-2010

  • 16:40:34: @russhall Tumi all the way. Either ballistic nylon or leather would work just fine. Excellent shock protection and they look great.
  • 16:41:33: @russhall Option #2: a Zero-Halliburton case. Channel your inner James Bond.

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:40 @russhall Tumi all the way. Either ballistic nylon or leather would work just fine. Excellent shock protection and they look great. #
  • 15:41 @russhall Option #2: a Zero-Halliburton case. Channel your inner James Bond. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:40 @russhall Tumi all the way. Either ballistic nylon or leather would work just fine. Excellent shock protection and they look great. #
  • 15:41 @russhall Option #2: a Zero-Halliburton case. Channel your inner James Bond. #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, January 28, 2010

From Twitter 01-27-2010

  • 07:06:00: Does this mean when the new Apple Canvas or iPad whatever hits v2.0, we'll have the same cell carrier upgrade plan nightmare?
  • 08:29:28: Show 75 on the @brianandmike #BAMcast. We're talking sex therapy for billionaires and CoCo. Plug in and get it here:
  • 08:34:52: Remember when Apple made computers? When was that? '98.. '99?
  • 15:21:02: Not impressed with the iPad. Where's the ADB port?

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 06:06 Does this mean when the new Apple Canvas or iPad whatever hits v2.0, we'll have the same cell carrier upgrade plan nightmare? #
  • 07:29 Show 75 on the @brianandmike #BAMcast. We're talking sex therapy for billionaires and CoCo. Plug in and get it here: #
  • 07:34 Remember when Apple made computers? When was that? '98.. '99? #
  • 14:21 Not impressed with the iPad. Where's the ADB port? #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 06:06 Does this mean when the new Apple Canvas or iPad whatever hits v2.0, we'll have the same cell carrier upgrade plan nightmare? #
  • 07:29 Show 75 on the @brianandmike #BAMcast. We're talking sex therapy for billionaires and CoCo. Plug in and get it here: #
  • 07:34 Remember when Apple made computers? When was that? '98.. '99? #
  • 14:21 Not impressed with the iPad. Where's the ADB port? #
More Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

From Twitter 01-26-2010

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 05:42 Don't be a hacker hater... Worlds worst hacker on YouTube #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 05:42 Don't be a hacker hater... Worlds worst hacker on YouTube #
More Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From Twitter 01-25-2010

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 17:41 @thecore ER. Urgent care is mostly filled with hacks. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:41 @thecore ER. Urgent care is mostly filled with hacks. #
More Brian and Mike @

Monday, January 25, 2010

From Twitter 01-24-2010

  • 23:20:57: Back to making heartburn and jeans commercials, Brett...
  • 23:25:38: Sorry, Minnesota. Now get back to shoveling.

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The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 22:20 Back to making heartburn and jeans commercials, Brett... #
  • 22:25 Sorry, Minnesota. Now get back to shoveling. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 22:20 Back to making heartburn and jeans commercials, Brett... #
  • 22:25 Sorry, Minnesota. Now get back to shoveling. #
More Brian and Mike @

Saturday, January 23, 2010

From Twitter 01-22-2010

  • 07:19:25: A geeky, cool Flickr gallery with a link to a java app that tracks your mouse over a period of time:
  • 12:12:59: Relenza, you are a god.
  • 18:58:46: Played with the OWLE Bubo at the WiredStore in Dec. Maybe they'll let us borrow one for a review in an upcoming show.
  • 19:01:17: Roids and small testicles on the next @brianandmike #BAMcast Grab it now to hear about our close brush with Andro...

Tweets copied by

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 06:19 A geeky, cool Flickr gallery with a link to a java app that tracks your mouse over a period of time: #
  • 11:12 Relenza, you are a god. #
  • 17:58 Played with the OWLE Bubo at the WiredStore in Dec. Maybe they'll let us borrow one for a review in an upcoming show. #
  • 18:01 Roids and small testicles on the next @brianandmike #BAMcast Grab it now to hear about our close brush with Andro... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 06:19 A geeky, cool Flickr gallery with a link to a java app that tracks your mouse over a period of time: #
  • 11:12 Relenza, you are a god. #
  • 17:58 Played with the OWLE Bubo at the WiredStore in Dec. Maybe they'll let us borrow one for a review in an upcoming show. #
  • 18:01 Roids and small testicles on the next @brianandmike #BAMcast Grab it now to hear about our close brush with Andro... #
More Brian and Mike @

Thursday, January 21, 2010

From Twitter 01-20-2010

  • 13:07:22: Had to critique the Nick Cannon radio show this morning. Horrible!

    To my fallen radio comrades... time to revolt. I pour one out for you.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:07 Had to critique the Nick Cannon radio show this morning. Horrible! To my fallen radio comrades... time to revolt. I pour one out for you. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:07 Had to critique the Nick Cannon radio show this morning. Horrible! To my fallen radio comrades... time to revolt. I pour one out for you. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From Twitter 01-19-2010

  • 17:31:19: Will Apple really go with the "iPad" name? Maybe I'm eternally stuck in 3rd grade, but feminine products come to mind.
  • 19:31:45: @ShawnKing Good thinking. What's the possibility of Apple going away from the "i" naming scheme? Could this be the "pro version" iPhone?

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 16:31 Will Apple really go with the "iPad" name? Maybe I'm eternally stuck in 3rd grade, but feminine products come to mind. #
  • 18:31 @ShawnKing Good thinking. What's the possibility of Apple going away from the "i" naming scheme? Could this be the "pro version" iPhone? #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 16:31 Will Apple really go with the "iPad" name? Maybe I'm eternally stuck in 3rd grade, but feminine products come to mind. #
  • 18:31 @ShawnKing Good thinking. What's the possibility of Apple going away from the "i" naming scheme? Could this be the "pro version" iPhone? #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From Twitter 01-18-2010

  • 13:42:50: @digi_gal They're awful.. The sunburst looks like an off-centered pee stain. This is the best they could come up with after how many delays?
  • 18:14:57: @thecore At least it's not the other way around.... Falling houses hurt!

Tweets copied by

The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 12:42 @digi_gal They're awful.. The sunburst looks like an off-centered pee stain. This is the best they could come up with after how many delays? #
  • 17:14 @thecore At least it's not the other way around.... Falling houses hurt! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 12:42 @digi_gal They're awful.. The sunburst looks like an off-centered pee stain. This is the best they could come up with after how many delays? #
  • 17:14 @thecore At least it's not the other way around.... Falling houses hurt! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Twitter 01-15-2010

  • 15:19:03: @DCpierson Have a great opening night in Portland! Sword Club needs more minions... England!!!

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:19 @DCpierson Have a great opening night in Portland! Sword Club needs more minions... England!!! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:19 @DCpierson Have a great opening night in Portland! Sword Club needs more minions... England!!! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, January 15, 2010

From Twitter 01-14-2010

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 14:29 You say you're at the airport, and you want to blow someone's mind... Find out how on the @brianandmike #BAMcast here: #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 14:29 You say you're at the airport, and you want to blow someone's mind... Find out how on the @brianandmike #BAMcast here: #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, January 14, 2010

From Twitter 01-13-2010

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 03:35 @jonrchamberlin Everything now "floats" without defined regions. Let us choose the charts/graphs that we want. Drop news/photos. Ideas? #
  • 03:37 @parhamr Now that's a weather page! I was sent this one today as well: I believe I prefer yours... #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 03:35 @jonrchamberlin Everything now "floats" without defined regions. Let us choose the charts/graphs that we want. Drop news/photos. Ideas? #
  • 03:37 @parhamr Now that's a weather page! I was sent this one today as well: I believe I prefer yours... #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

From Twitter 01-12-2010

  • 18:41:21: just "updated" their website. It never worked right the old way, and now it's ugly and broken. Who will be my new weather site?
  • 18:49:48: A salvaged @brianandmike #BAMcast is now up at: We moved, and this show was almost lost in the "porn" box. Grab it now!

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 17:41 just "updated" their website. It never worked right the old way, and now it's ugly and broken. Who will be my new weather site? #
  • 17:49 A salvaged @brianandmike #BAMcast is now up at: We moved, and this show was almost lost in the "porn" box. Grab it now! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 17:41 just "updated" their website. It never worked right the old way, and now it's ugly and broken. Who will be my new weather site? #
  • 17:49 A salvaged @brianandmike #BAMcast is now up at: We moved, and this show was almost lost in the "porn" box. Grab it now! #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Sunday, January 10, 2010

From Twitter 01-09-2010

  • 21:21:28: Why does Donovan McNabb look so old?

    ...ooohhhhhhhh I get it.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 20:21 Why does Donovan McNabb look so old? ...ooohhhhhhhh I get it. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 20:21 Why does Donovan McNabb look so old? ...ooohhhhhhhh I get it. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, January 9, 2010

From Twitter 01-08-2010

  • 06:41:00: Here's the link to the Boise State Sad Cowbell Girl (plus Christopher Walken)

    Turns out she's blind. Who knew?

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 05:41 Here's the link to the Boise State Sad Cowbell Girl (plus Christopher Walken) Turns out she's blind. Who knew? #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 05:41 Here's the link to the Boise State Sad Cowbell Girl (plus Christopher Walken) Turns out she's blind. Who knew? #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Thursday, January 7, 2010

From Twitter 01-06-2010

  • 16:33:42: @thecore Do it! You've got the technology. We can rebuild him... (que theme music)

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:33 @thecore Do it! You've got the technology. We can rebuild him... (que theme music) #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:33 @thecore Do it! You've got the technology. We can rebuild him... (que theme music) #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Saturday, January 2, 2010

From Twitter 01-01-2010

  • 00:52:31: "Again" is one of the funniest words ever. Add it to the end of any sentence:

    Someone put stroked-out Dick Clark on TV. Again!
  • 01:11:08: Dick Clark doesn't dissappoint again!

    Missed 13, 10, and numbers 6-8.

  • 01:11:25: Goodbye 2009. You were a pathetic joke. Happy New Year to all of you crazy bastards. Let's go light something on fire!


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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 00:11 Dick Clark doesn't dissappoint again! Missed 13, 10, and numbers 6-8. Again. #
  • 00:11 Goodbye 2009. You were a pathetic joke. Happy New Year to all of you crazy bastards. Let's go light something on fire! Again. #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 00:11 Dick Clark doesn't dissappoint again! Missed 13, 10, and numbers 6-8. Again. #
  • 00:11 Goodbye 2009. You were a pathetic joke. Happy New Year to all of you crazy bastards. Let's go light something on fire! Again. #
Get more Brian and Mike @

Friday, January 1, 2010

From Twitter 12-31-2009

  • 16:56:37: @thecore Nice dock shot... Must make sure that the iPhone doesn't screw up those first three words.
  • 17:02:07: What's scarier? Looking forward to what may happen in a new year... Or looking back on the previous one.

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The Brian and Mike Show Lockerroom:

The adventure continues...
  • 15:56 @thecore Nice dock shot... Must make sure that the iPhone doesn't screw up those first three words. #
  • 16:02 What's scarier? Looking forward to what may happen in a new year... Or looking back on the previous one. #
  • 23:52 "Again" is one of the funniest words ever. Add it to the end of any sentence: Someone put stroked-out Dick Clark on TV. Again! #
More Brian and Mike @

The Adventure Continues:

Here's what's new with Brian and Mike:
  • 15:56 @thecore Nice dock shot... Must make sure that the iPhone doesn't screw up those first three words. #
  • 16:02 What's scarier? Looking forward to what may happen in a new year... Or looking back on the previous one. #
  • 23:52 "Again" is one of the funniest words ever. Add it to the end of any sentence: Someone put stroked-out Dick Clark on TV. Again! #
Get more Brian and Mike @
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